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Home > Studio Photoshoots
Last updated albums - Studio Photoshoots
Anniversary362 viewsSep 28, 2024684 x 957
Paper290 viewsAug 29, 20242368 x 3456
Japan239 viewsAug 20, 20241080 x 865
Glamour328 viewsAug 18, 20243000 x 4000
Isarel Concert707 viewsAug 10, 20241280 x 1919
Playground755 viewsJul 20, 20242048 x 1536
ELLE479 viewsJul 03, 20244498 x 3000
Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda312 viewsJul 03, 20242048 x 1366
Unknown275 viewsJun 20, 20241276 x 2048
Emblema 2024297 viewsMay 21, 20242048 x 1638

Category Albums Files
Photoshoots in 2024
13 74
Photoshoots in 2023Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2023.
12 62
Photoshoots in 2022Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2022.
22 114
Photoshoots in 2021Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2021.
13 76
Photoshoots in 2020Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2020.
15 78
Photoshoots in 2019Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2019.
13 151
Photoshoots in 2018Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2018.
24 164
Photoshoots in 2017Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2017.
5 16
Photoshoots in 2016Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2016.
3 19
Photoshoots in 2015Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2015.
3 12
Photoshoots in 2014Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2014.
1 7
Photoshoots in 2013Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from the year 2013.
10 71
Photoshoots in 2012Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2012.
6 50
Photoshoots in 2011Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2011.
4 11
Photoshoots in 2010Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2010.
23 249
Photoshoots in 2009Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2009.
4 14
Photoshoots in 2008Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2008.
14 150
Photoshoots in 2007Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2007.
9 106
Photoshoots in 2006Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2006.
26 345
Photoshoots in 2005Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2005.
2 15
Photoshoots in 2004Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2004.
12 241
Photoshoots in 2003Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2003.
24 313
Photoshoots in 2002Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2002.
18 227
Photoshoots in 2001Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2001.
5 42
Photoshoots in 2000Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 2000.
42 371
Photoshoots in 1999Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 1999.
34 372
Photoshoots in 1998Browse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from year 1998.
7 33
Older PhotoshootsBrowse through rare magazines outtakes & shoots of Christina from earliest years.
1 7

Last additions - Studio Photoshoots
319 viewsSep 28, 2024684 x 957
68 viewsSep 27, 20244000 x 3000
44 viewsSep 27, 2024640 x 640
65 viewsSep 27, 20242048 x 1639
68 viewsSep 22, 20243000 x 4501
89 viewsSep 22, 20244000 x 3000
197 viewsSep 18, 20241280 x 1280
196 viewsAug 29, 20242368 x 3456
235 viewsAug 29, 20242368 x 3456
227 viewsAug 29, 20242766 x 3458

Last viewed - Studio Photoshoots
319 viewsOct 15, 2024 at 12:58 AM684 x 957
224 viewsOct 15, 2024 at 12:36 AM1080 x 1920
323 viewsOct 15, 2024 at 12:36 AM1440 x 1795
210 viewsOct 15, 2024 at 12:35 AM1440 x 1795
158 viewsOct 15, 2024 at 12:35 AM1024 x 769